A surprising fitness hack ...

We've all heard about the importance of cardio, strength training, eating healthy, and meditation. But, if Social Fitness isn't part of your health regimen - it's time to add it in.

What's social fitness? - the ability to cultivate and maintain positive relationships. And, the strength of our human connections and relationships can predict our physical and mental health.

How do I flex my social fitness muscles? - Here are the steps recommended by the Good Life

  1. Regularly self assess: Ask yourself - If I had a problem in the middle of the night, do I have someone I could call for help? Am I having enough fun with loved ones?

  2. Improve the relationships you have with loved ones by asking them if there's anything you can do better in the relationship.

  3. Have a social workout routine - pencil in regular time for a phone call, coffee chat, or run with a friend. The frequency depends on the amount of hangout time that energizes you. For some people, this may be one hangout a week, for others this may be a daily event.

Create new connections. Join a club, volunteer, or come to one of our monthly community events :) or join our partner pilates class starting on April 17.

Oh, and there's an online "gym" for social fitness.

Hear more about the Harvard Study of Adult Development.


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