This is why I slept in

We hope you are having a wonderful holiday. I (Alyssa) usually send emails at 6am on Mondays and I gleefully slept in this morning so please excuse the tardy send.

And as I prolonged my stay in bed I started thinking... to what do I owe this luxury? Memorial Day - In case you're wondering about the origins of Memorial Day, check this out.

Cheers to upcoming summer schedules and a little more sleep!

Speaking of sleep, here are the top 5 ways sleep helps you heal:

  1. During the deepest phases of sleep, blood flow to muscles increases. Since blood carries oxygen and nutrients, this helps the muscles heal.

  2. Hormones help regulate many functions of the body and are secreted by various glands.

  3. During sleep, the body releases prolactin to regulate and reduce inflammation before it can become harmful. Healing and recovery can be more efficient if prolactin is produced by getting proper sleep.

  4. The natural drop in cortisol levels while you sleep allows the body to get needed rest.

  5. During sleep, cells in the body produce proteins. These proteins are the building blocks for the formation of new cells needed during the healing process. A good night’s sleep can help the body make the needed repairs for recovery.

So get more sleep so you can make your rehab look speedy... and help your PTs look good :)


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