Physical Therapy

Sports and Dance Rehabilitation

Our Sports and Dance Rehabilitation program is for athletes and dancers who want a sport/dance-specific physical therapy plan that takes into consideration where they are in season, their long term goals, and the high demands they have for their body to perform.

  • PT can help improved performance, body awareness, and injury resistance. We offer activity-specific rehabilitation which includes pain management, strengthening, restoring range of motion and full recovery back to your activity such that you are less prone to getting re-injured. We know that time away from the activity you love can be a physical and mental challenge. Our physical therapists know how to help you rehabilitate while you continue to train.

  • If you have a current injury, schedule a 55 minute physical therapy evaluation to establish a treatment plan. This appointment is meant to be the start of a treatment plan.

    If you don’t have a current injury, schedule an 85 minute Healthy Athlete Evaluation for a head to toe understanding of your strengths, weaknesses, and movement patterns and what you can do to address your weaknesses. This appointment is meant to be a once per year visit.

  • We’ll start with a chat - we want to know your history, concerns, plans, and long term goals. Then we will do an evaluation of your strength, range of motion, and movement patterns. After that, we will discuss and begin a treatment plan that will likely include manual therapy (hands-on therapy), exercise, pilates, and a discussion of what you should be doing on your own.

  • The number of visits depends on many things including the nature of your injury, the number of problem areas you have, how much live guidance you need for your exercises, whether you need hands-on treatment, and your time/financial budget.

    • Overuse injuries of the back, foot and ankle, knee, hip, shoulder, SI joint, elbow, and wrist

    • Overuse injuries of the back, foot and ankle, knee, hip, shoulder, SI joint, elbow, and wrist

    • Post-surgical rehab

    • ACL injury prevention and rehab

    • Common injuries among athletes and dancers such as rehabilitation after stress fractures, growth plate fractures, osgood schlatter disease, sever’s disease, tendinopathies, hip labral tears, plantar fasciitis, achilles tendon tears, osteochondritis dissecans, meniscus injuries, bunions

    • Sports concussion

    • Pointe readiness