Assembled the pilates equipment.  Too bad the reformer (the middle one) is faulty.  It’s supposed to have longer legs and wheels.  I was given the equipment to extend the legs, but two of the bolt heads shredded.   My brother and law and I spe…

Assembled the pilates equipment.  Too bad the reformer (the middle one) is faulty.  It’s supposed to have longer legs and wheels.  I was given the equipment to extend the legs, but two of the bolt heads shredded.   My brother and law and I spent hours trying to use a screw extractor and researching ways to pull out a shredded screw.  In the end, the company is just going to give me new parts or a brand new reformer.  And, check out those weird shadows in the window.  That was our attempt to block the rays of light coming in.  We’ll have to re-do the shot during a different time of the day and with a little more decor.  


Ready and Booked!
