long time no blog!

Oops, it’s been awhile since I’ve been on here.  This project is keeping me busy.  Since my last entry, I’ve:

- Set a date for my Open House - Sunday, March 10 from 1-5pm  (Come one come all)

- Started distributing my flyers - Thank you Julie Mun for your help with those!  

- Started seeing my first 3 patients/clients.  Hooray!  I’m tempted to frame a dollar bill and put it up on my wall but it’s all electronic payment so I guess that old tradition won’t work anymore.

- Figured out my stupid printer.  My whole printer set up took up literally 3 hours of my time.  The good news is that, while I was setting it up, I met a lot of the nice coaches at the gym.  

- Went on a trip to Tahoe and rode 5 out of 6 days!  It’s so awesome to have a season pass.  I wonder how many snowboarders have unilateral neck pain.  

I’m still feeling a little awkward in my space.  I fumble around not knowing where to put all my stuff when I’m done with it.  Or, maybe I don’t realize how much the aides clean up after me.  

Wishing I could spend more time at my own space… but I need to have patients there to justify that… but then I need to be there to meet people passing by to get more patients.  It’s like double dutch and I’m waiting for the right time to jump in. 


Open House this Sunday


Ready and Booked!