my brain is buzzing

For the past few days I’ve been at the APTA CSM (American Physical Therapy Association Combined Sections Meeting).  It was amazing.  All the big names in PT talking about their areas of expertise and an exhibit hall full of physical therapy equipment. 

I was busy during every single moment of the past few days.  If I wasn’t at a lecture, I was wheeling and dealing in the exhibit hall trying to get discounted equipment.  I was even offered a few exhibit demo pieces for free! 

The first lecture I went to was about runners, jumpers, and dancers and discussed impairments that volleyball players with dancers have when jumping and how they can cause low back pain, knee pain, etc.  Perfect for me!  I’m hoping to work a lot with the dance population and my clinic is located inside a volleyball gym.  Another favorite lecture I went to was sponsored by the Private Practice section.  These clinic owners were so inspirational.  And, two of them were in the bay area.  I hope to chat with them and maybe a learn a thing or two.

But, I don’t know how I’m going to have enough time to do that because I now have a billion new ideas, new products to check out and purchase, not to mention a website to revamp, business cards to print, office and gym equipment to assemble, and a lot more brainstorming about how I’m going to let the community know that I’m in my little space happy to take new patients. 

Feeling a little overwhelmed with the amount of stuff I have to do, the number of ideas I want to implement, and the clock ticking away as I continue to pay rent on a space that’s not quite ready to provide services. 


wix, hello fax, docusign
