On the Move Physical Therapy Events to Celebrate Bay Area Dance Week!


On the Move Physical Therapy Events to Celebrate Bay Area Dance Week!

Comprehensive Physical Therapy Evaluation for the Artistic Athlete - Sunday, May 4 1-5pm
A 45-55 minute session with a physical therapist who specializes in physical therapy rehabilitation and injury prevention services for the artistic athlete - dancers, gymnasts, cheerleaders, and ice skaters.  You will have a personally-tailored full body assessment of strength, flexibility, balance, and movement mechanics.  You will walk away with suggestions of exercises you can perform at home to prevent injury and improve performance.  This evaluation is intended for the athletic artist who practices at least 10 hours per week.  This event fills quickly!  Please contactonthemovept@gmail.com to schedule a time.

Groove Fit Family Class - Sunday, May 4 5:15pm
A super fun dance-based fitness class with components of stretching, strengthening, and cardio exercise. Kid-appropriate radio hits will be used to inspire movement and get participants excited about exercising. Basic dance movements from multiple genres of dance will be used.  No previous dance experience is necessary.  For BADW,parents are encouraged to participate WITH their children.  Appropriate for kids ages 7-13.  To save your space contact onthemovept@gmail.com.

For more information about Bay Area Dance Week: http://bayareandw.org/index.php

Thank you for filling all available spots for the Comprehensive Physical Therapy Evaluation event during Bay Area National Dance Week!

Due to popular demand, On the Move Physical Therapy will be holding this same event on Sunday, June 29th from 1pm-4pm. Make your reservations!


Post-Natal Pilates


Imagery - An innovative way to improve your posture